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Industrial Manufacturing (incl. equipment & machinery)
For many industrial companies, traditional competitive models are producing rapidly diminishing returns. Their managers must go beyond the obvious in order to find new sources of profitable growth.

In capital-intensive industries like paper, aluminum processing, and cement, companies are searching for alternatives to the unending fight for global market share and the downward pressure on prices and margins.

In the automotive industry, companies are striving to combine traditional strengths in design and manufacturing with more rigorous brand management and a deeper understanding of the end consumer.

The pace of change continues to quicken in the process industries. Wherever you look, chemical, oil, gas, pulp & paper, steel and metal processing companies are urgently rethinking, reorganizing and reengineering their businesses so they can outperform their competitors and become more profitable.

The ongoing consolidation occurring across the process industries is compressing strategic planning cycles, while the financial markets remain demanding in their expectations. Strategies, therefore, must not only establish the enduring viability of the enterprise but also deliver short-term results. Based on our experience, this is extremely difficult in a set of industries long known for their capital-intensive nature and long-term horizons for performance.

Our Industrial Manufacturing practice has specific capabilities tailored to address these important issues, including:
  • Mergers & acquisitions, especially transcontinental transactions
  • R&D cooperations & licencing
  • Sourcing, outsourcing and offshoring
  • International growth strategies
  • Customer strategy development and implementation
  • Sales force strategy and effectiveness
  • Diversification into services
SHP consultants have an established reputation for dealing with top line growth issues as well as operational and cost-side issues. Our consultant experience spans, for instance, fluid control equipment, beverage filling machinery, industrial machinery to the point of wire & cable manufacturing

Market insights: Examples from our industrial manufacturing practice

Equipment for water treatment in Europe: As competition intensifies, participants must deliver products that address specific end-user requirements

Demand for New Cost-Efficient Solutions Spark Market Growth
Companies in a wide range of industries are moving towards on-site water treatment in an effort to improve water quality and to reduce production costs. Pharmaceutical firms, food companies and microelectronics manufacturers demand high water purity but are increasingly reluctant to accept the high costs of buying purified water. As more and more firms purchase their own treatment equipment, manufacturers should see impressive gains.

We’ve analysed major product segments of the European industrial process water treatment equipment markets, including membranes systems, demineralisation, activated carbon, ozonation, and ultraviolet treatment equipment. By tracking emerging customer trends and assessing their impact on the marketplace, we are able to offer a detailed guide to the future opportunities in this field.

Chemical-Free Ultraviolet Systems: The Solution of Choice
Ultraviolet (UV) equipment has emerged as one of the most dynamic industrial process water treatment technologies in Europe. Customers are selecting UV systems over chemical treatment solutions, especially in industries where taste, color and scent are a concern. UV treatment will be a cost-effective alternative for many users, and it provides an environmentally acceptable solution for purification processes. UV equipment will become increasingly popular as the number of applications rises and as prices fall. Because demand trends vary from region to region, each of eight geographical markets should be examined separately. With such a comprehensive view of the marketplace, your company will be poised for success.

Niche Markets Offer Key Opportunities
A number of companies are manufacturing products that are explicitly targeted towards specific end-user groups. One company is focusing its efforts on laboratory and pharmaceutical markets. By developing a line of membrane elements that caters to their customers' needs, this firm has garnered great respect in that segment and boosted revenues. As competition intensifies, participants must deliver products that address specific end-user requirements. We identified successful competitive strategies, from targeting niche markets to globalizing operations, enabling your company to develop an effective business plan.

The Chinese market for packaging equipment will outpace demand in most other parts of the world

Booming Chinese manufacturing holds opportunities for packaging machinery industry
Demand for packaging machinery in China is projected to climb more than 8 percent annually through 2009 to ¥36 billion (or approximately $4.3 billion). The Chinese packaging equipment market will outpace demand in most other parts of the world, driven by growth in manufacturing production, packaging materials use and associated fixed investment activity as industrialization efforts continue and income levels rise.

Labeling, coding equipment to grow the fastest
Demand for labeling and coding equipment will outpace sales of other packaging machinery types, spurred by the growing need for shippers to accurately identify and track items to meet more stringent regulations and export requirements. In addition, increased use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags will bolster demand for associated labeling equipment. Demand for filling and form/fill/seal equipment will also climb at an above-average rate through 2009, maintaining its position as the most widely used type of packaging machinery in China. Equipment sales will be stimulated by growth in packaged food and beverage product output.
Food industry to strengthen dominant market position
The food industry is the largest market for packaging machinery in China, and food-related applications are expected to strengthen their already dominant market position as population and employment growth, increased urbanization and higher income levels fuel consumption and output of convenience and other packaged food products through 2009.

Demand for equipment used to package medical, pharmaceutical and personal care products is also projected to rise at an above-average rate, driven by substantial gains in the number of people 65 years and older, an age group requiring more medical care, and supported by rising personal incomes throughout the nation, helping make drugs, cosmetics and toiletries more affordable.
Central-South, Central-East regions show best prospects
The Central-East and Central-South regions are home to well over half of Chinas population and together account for more than 70 percent of the countrys total manufacturing production. As a result, these areas will continue to provide packaging machinery suppliers with the greatest sales opportunities through 2009. Packaging equipment suppliers will also benefit from increases in food, pharmaceutical and personal care product output in the Northeast region.

Siegle, Hu & Partners International helps companies tap into Chinas potential
Reliable market information is now available for international packaging machinery manufacturers planning for expansion into China, including forecasts to 2009, segmented by product, market and region. We’ve also evaluated the different player’s market share and profiles in Chinas packaging machinery industry. To most of the Chinese players we maintain personal relationships – ideal precondition for M&A projects.
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