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Home > Who We Are > Business Principles > Globalization
Siegle, Hu & Partners’ principles
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Globalization is the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services, free international capital flows, and more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology.

All definitions appear to agree that globalization has economic, political, cultural, and technological aspects that may be closely intertwined.

More specifically, we believe in the tangible effect of globalization on the companies’ sustainable profitability:
  • New era in the globalization of the world economy, with major strategic and operational implications for businesses worldwide.
  • China, India and East Europe emerge as new players, they represent chances and threats at the same time.
  • Globalization increases competitive intensity as companies strive to be among the two or three leaders in their industry.
  • As they move beyond traditional export-oriented models of globalization, they build more complex organizational structures.
Siegle, Hu & Partners helps companies navigate opportunities and risks of the new global business environment

Competitive advantage, increased market share, and economies of scale are just a few of the reasons for companies to consider going from international or multinational, to "virtually global." The process for getting there is unclear, as is the true meaning of the word "global."

What do Best Practice Global Organizations look like? What separates them from the rest? What are the qualities & characteristics that make them world leaders in their field?

The Impact of Culture on M&A Integration and Business Performance

In today’s competitive global business landscape, the increasing number of M&A deals across cultures has presented companies with a whole new set of opportunities and challenges to consider as they attempt to integrate the business strategies, operations, and cultures of the different companies.

The importance and bottom-line impact of the cultural component in cross border M&A deals is still unappreciated and underestimated when compared to the other operational, management, and business strategy issues that so often dominate the discussions and integration planning in the corporate offices.

While there are many different elements involved in the M&A process, Siegle, Hu & Partners stays within its core competence and works with companies to support the cross-cultural integration issues that could impact human interaction, business objectives, and the financial success of the new venture. Our consulting services are used throughout the entire M&A process, including the pre-acquisition evaluations and due-diligence, the negotiation and meetings leading up to the actual agreement, and the post-acquisition integration and implementation of the two cultures and business practices.

The growing pressures for companies to continue to diversify and grow the business outside of their local markets can be daunting and uncomfortable for companies of all sizes and industries.  As a result, an increasing number of companies are entering into joint ventures and strategic alliances in order to broaden their business into a new country, industry, or product/service area while attempting to concurrently minimize the risk to the overall company and its financial health in the future.

Joint Ventures & Alliances

These new business ventures, however, often fail to take into consideration the complex cultural issues and differences that are rooted within the relationship when working across borders, industries, and management teams.

At Siegle, Hu & Partners, we break down this current/potential cooperative relationship to identify the cultural gaps between the two companies that may impact the future health of the partnership and therefore the company's bottom-line moving forward.  We work with both venture teams to ensure that the major global business objectives aren’t inhibited by cultural obstacles and nation-state differences, which could potentially bring down the deal if not appropriately addressed and resolved early in the process.

In the past few years, we have implemented a wide range of individual and group consulting and training sessions for our clients in this area.  Our team of consultants is able to leverage its previous JV & Alliance work to help bring valuable insight to our client's future projects and cooperative ventures around the world.
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