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Corporate & Market Strategy
Some people like to call it "the big picture." Others talk of the ability to identify opportunities, to discover new directions, to redefine boundaries. However it is described, it all comes down to vision, and specific, practical plans to bring a vision into reality. At Siegle, Hu & Partners we help CEOs create a clear picture of the marketplace and competitors and define their strategic direction.

In times of uncertainty and volatile change, a clear corporate vision is even more important. Strategy and tactics need to be flexible so they can change with swings in geopolitics and the global economy, but the vision must be steadfast and unswerving.

The people of our practice work side by side with top management to clarify issues, refine ideas, and give them shape. Our strength comes from the ability to understand things from a broader perspective – to look at markets and trends, at competition and customers, at the organization itself – and then use what we learn to ensure that the future direction can be successfully implemented.

The result of this process is a plan and approach that can help ensure that the company’s strategy can be turned into actions and accountabilities.
“Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things.”

Miyamoto Musashi 1584-1645, legendary Japanese swordsman
Most companies' approach to strategy involves the mistaken assumption that a predictable path to the future can be paved from the experience of the past. In the turbulent business environment we face today, companies must let go of the notion that strategic outcomes can be predetermined and that enduring competitive advantage can be defined and achieved.

Instead, we define strategy as a coherent and evolving portfolio of initiatives to drive shareholder value and long-term performance. This change in thinking requires management to develop a “you are what you do” perspective as opposed to “you are what you say.” In other words, companies are defined by the initiatives they prioritize and drive, not merely by mission and vision statements.

We assist corporations to create or improve sustainable competitive advantages in defined geographical areas, with a particular emphasis on emerging markets and growth regions. Central question to all investigations is how to achieve profitable growth, that’s why we offer services in market related subjects.

Our clients are mid-cap as well as larger internationally oriented corporations as well as private equity investors who seek to expand their market positions and financial returns through carefully targeted cross-national investment programs.
“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results”

Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965, English statesman
Typically we are assisting to answer these questions :

1. The target market
     We help clients to keep track of their markets in terms of size, growth potential and trends, and to take advantage of new opportunities:
  • What are the major issues we need to know about a new geographical market?
  • What is the market size in value and volume for our products?
  • How much is our share of the addressable market?
  • In which customer segments do the largest opportunities lie?
  • How can we profitably expand our business?
  • How can we distribute our products more effectively?
  • Where else can we continue to make improvements to the value chain?
  • What is the best way for us to enter this new market or segment?
2. The competition
     Siegle, Hu & Partners delivers competitive advantage to clients by profiling key market players, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses,  detailing their strategies and recommending plans to outwit them.
  • What are our key competitors up to?
  • What are our competitors’ sales and margins?
  • What is our main competitor planning for the next three years?
  • How can we best benchmark our organization with the market leaders?
  • How can we better understand key accounts to maximize sales opportunities?
  • What threats do we face from potential product substitutes and disruptive technologies?
  • What can our R&D and marketing teams learn from our competitors’ intellectual property?
  • How do we evaluate the suitability of potential acquisition targets?
3. The organizational set-up
     Our work on organizational issues is guided by the view that organizations are complex and dynamic systems. The crucial element in these systems is, of course, people. Our goal is to link the defined market strategy with an appropriate organization structure. Typical issues we address include:
  • Do we understand what local resources are necessary to accomplish the changes we want to make and what constraints stand in the way?
  • What could be the ideal local organization to penetrate the target market most effectively?
  • How can corporate "overhead" create value in excess of its cost, strengthening and energizing local units?
  • Which structural elements of organizational design best address your current needs and long-term objectives?
  • Can we eliminate 15-30 percent of management costs while cutting decision-making time in half?
  • Are there local players / competitors which could serve as cooperation partners for specific functions (i.e. providing a sales force targeting a defined market segment)?
  • Are there ways to foster innovation internally? To promote our brand externally?
Adapting to unknowns

Strategy approached in this way is by its very nature more adaptive and less dependent upon “big bets.” A carefully managed portfolio of initiatives is balanced across activities of adapting the core businesses to meet future challenges, shaping the portfolio in an ongoing way to respond to a changing environment, and building the next generation of businesses. By creating a portfolio of initiatives around a unifying theme, reinforced by brands, value proposition to customers, and solid operational skills, a company can successfully set the stage to drive shareholder value.

Of course, the successful portfolio of initiatives must be actively managed as a top priority of senior management, with the individual initiatives carefully guided and driven along the way. This approach to strategic planning is ongoing, as opposed to a yearly exercise, and represents an integrated effort across the top executive team, as well as business unit and functional leaders.

As initiatives are implemented, the executive team must ensure the organization is ready for the change. The strategy must be communicated to various stakeholders, and the pace of implementation must be determined.

Exemplary concepts Power Brand and Growth Analysis
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