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Mergers & Acquisitions
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Post Deal & Integration Services
Merger integration challenges are almost entirely related to failures in merger management, rather than to the underlying strategic rationale. Our merger integration service enables client organizations to successfully merge operations through comprehensive merger management support – either before the merger takes place, or afterward, when the expected synergies have not been fulfilled.

We provide a flexible integration framework with a comprehensive and proven toolkit to support planning and implementation throughout the merger process to ensure value capture. Our approach allows entities to rapidly capture available sources of value by focusing on operational synergies, as well as seamlessly merging the organizations.

In many ways, a deal starts at completion as from here the benefits and value that the deal was designed to deliver need to be realized.
  • Deals often fail to deliver the value forecast for them and this can be for a variety of reasons. Often part of the reason lies in the lack of integration between the business and its newly-acquired asset. Delivering the business plan used to justify the acquisition requires considerable resources.
  • A transaction represents a significant change to the business, and one that requires careful management if the anticipated benefits are to be turned on quickly.
  • SHP has extensive experience of helping businesses integrate new acquisitions. Our teams comprise many individuals with ‘in-line’ industry experience.
  • We have developed specific tools and techniques that have proved their worth in other transactions. Their early application can save considerable time and money.
If this is your situation
  • You are integrating an acquisition and you are concerned that it will consume valuable time and resources, detracting from the focus on the core business. Any number of factors could be why a transaction is slow to bed down and start creating the value that was projected for it.
  • You have issues with employee management. Successful management of employees is essential to effectively tapping into the benefits of a transaction. Where competition for talent is keen, attracting, motivating and retaining employees can be difficult. By creating increasingly complex employee benefits and compensation programmes, companies now need to have a clear picture of how these programmes integrate and whether they serve their objectives.
  • Your deal is not delivering the potential value forecast when originally put together.
How SHP can help
  • Our dedicated teams of experts work on-site to help manage the changes that a deal generates in an existing business.
  • We address the immediate concerns of the acquirer over the first 100 days of the acquisition and produce detailed action plans to deliver value from the deal.
  • We also carry out post-deal reviews after 6 to 12 months to assess whether objectives are being met and if not, how to get them back on track.
  • Our broad knowledge of HR issues allows us to give practical adviceon employee management. We help our clients to navigate through the wide variety of employee programmes used and to help them choose the best programmes to achieve all potential synergies.
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