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IPO Services
For many fast growing, private businesses, an Initial Public Offering (IPO) is seen as an excellent route to accelerating growth

A successful listing on one of the world’s capital markets is the culmination of many months or years of hard work, and can provide benefits such as:
  • Access to financing to complete a strategic acquisition
  • Opportunities to expand your business into new markets
  • An exit opportunity for your Private Equity or other investors
  • Improved perceptions of your business and brand with customers,    suppliers and employees
Our teams helping companies to deliver successful IPOs. We also recognize an IPO is not right for everyone. That’s why we help you to evaluate the pros and cons of an IPO, demystify the process, examine the alternatives and prepare for life in the public spotlight.

After all, an IPO is part of your ongoing business transformation – making the private to public transition is just another step to achieving your long term business goals.

Planning and Preparation – the Key to IPO Success

For most private businesses, an IPO will be a completely new experience. The rewards for a successful IPO can be significant, however, so can the workload. As any leader of a recently listed public business will tell you, the success of an IPO lies in the planning and preparation.

IPO activity continues to reflect the shifting landscape of the world economy. While a key trend in 2005 was an increase in IPOs in China, Israel, Russia and Poland, the outlook for 2006 shows an increased interest in markets including the Middle East, South Korea, India and Brazil. For many large investors, a global strategy that does not include China, India and Russia has become a contradiction in terms.

However, the landscape is continuing to widen and we now see a healthy pipeline of IPO candidates waiting in the wings in markets around the world. A wide global spread of IPO activity, a mix of types of offering — both privatizations and new ventures, energetic growth in emerging markets, and vigorous competition for new business by the world’s stock exchanges all bode well for the IPO supply in 2006.

How does Siegle, Hu & Partners assist in the IPO process?

An IPO is a unique event from the viewpoint of the issuer, as it represents an important landmark in a company's history and the point at which a company enters a new dimension.

But it is also a highly complex, time-consuming and value-critical affair – as such, it needs careful preparation, staging and follow-up.

SHP will support you actively with an experienced IPO team of investment bankers and analysts, and a broad range of activities that extend well beyond straightforward consultancy.

We will coordinate your entire IPO project and make sure that your interests are ideally reflected by the entire process. In this way, we not only ensure that the IPO is successful, but also relieve your company's management resources of the significant burden of countless one-off special tasks. This enables you to concentrate on what your shareholders will reward you for: your successful core business.

We will gladly present our range of services in greater detail at a personal appointment, here’s a typical service process we characteristically carry out:
  • Appraisal and analysis of initial situation
  • Discussion of strategy with the management
  • Definition of objectives for the IPO
  • Detailed scheduling of the project
  • Support in defining the legal and organizational structure
  • Internal pre due diligence
  • Editing of company documentation for due diligence process
  • Examination and editing of your financial plans
  • Design and implementation of an individual IPO management and employee participatory scheme
  • Detailed, regularly updated corporate valuation from the capital market viewpoint
  • Preparation of an equity story optimized for the capital market
  • Compilation of an extensive company fact book
  • Preparation of a detailed issue concept
  • Preparation and coordination of the beauty contest for banks
  • Preparing investor relations work
  • Representing your interests in all negotiations during the preparatory and implementation phase (e.g. price and contractual negotiations), and
IPO Test  Click here to download PDF file.
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